Susan of Columbia City, Indiana is 82 years old and is bedridden and loves animals and horses. She is receiving a Sea Dream Lighthouse card and Bible Verse bookmark.
Lola’s Smile Bunch
Lola’s Smile Bunch
A Sea Dream greeting card for Rowena of Brush, Colorado who is 96 years old. The card has a photo print of Crisp Pointe Lighthouse on Lake Superior, Paradise, Michigan. The card also has artwork by Crystal Fallin and the photography is by PL Fallin. Rowena is also receiving a Van Gogh Bookmark.
Lola's Smile Bunch
A Sea Dream Lighthouse Greetings for Jean of Scituate, Massachusetts who is in a nursing home. She is also receiving a bookmark. The card print is of the Crisp Pointe Lighthouse, Paradise, Michigan and the mermaid artwork is by Artist Crystal Michelle Fallin.
Lola’s Smile Bunch