Merry Christmas to Sharon of Madison, Wisconsin who is 70 years old and has very little family. She loves Christmas and cards. She is receiving a handcrafted card of a covered bridge with a horse draw carriage.
Charlotte of Madison, Wisconsin is 98 years old and blue is her favorite color. She enjoys nature and birds. She is receiving a Sea Dream World of Mermaids, Sea Turtles, Fish, Sea Lion and Roses against the backdrop of Matanzas River.
Alexa of Madison, Wisconsin is turning 6 years old and likes glitter and princesses. She is receiving two sets of Disney princesses' stickers and Sisters of the Sea mermaids with Happy Birthday wishes.
Happy Birthday to Alexa of Madison, Wisconsin who is turning 5 years old. She likes glitter, purple and princesses. She is receiving a card filled with Disney Princesses and a Ariel sticker sheet.
Sending Hailey of Madison, Wisconsin a Happy Birthday card with “It’s a Beautiful Life” mermaid. She is turning 8 years old and she loves princesses. She is receiving Disney Princess stickers inside her card.