Saturday, November 26, 2022

Christmas Tulips by Crystal Expressions

This artwork of the tulips in blue vases was done by Crystal when she was in the 4th grade.  I liked it so much, I framed it for her.  She showed so much talent at a young age.  The Christmas decor was added to include the card for Christmas.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

She Believed in Magic

Crystal Michelle Fallin

She believed
In magic.  Not
Because she was
Naive, but
Because she
Lived through
Times when
Darkness was
All that she saw,
And all life’s lovely
Things were gone.
But her soul was
Wise enough to
Know that its
Survival depended
Upon maintaining
The memory of love,
Light, hope, and all the
Other things that magic
Is made of.

By Mona Nyman 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

“I Know You as a Painter Knows their Art”

Crystal Michelle Fallin, St. Augustine, Florida 

San Marco Ave., 2018


You may be gone

but I feel you

when the cool breeze 

brushes by

You may be gone

but I hear you

when the music plays

its last song

You may be gone

but I know you 

as a painter knows 

their art

You may be gone

but I feel you

right here in 

my heart

Friday, November 11, 2022

“Beauty in the Darkness”

Crystal Michelle Fallin, St. Augustine, Florida

Beauty in the Darkness

 Beautiful things happen in the dark,
When the sun goes to sleep,
When the stars give light kisses,
When the moon is a spotlight,
She stayed beautiful,
Even when she was covered 
In the evening darkness..

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Seashells and a Lighthouse for Alice of Bishopsville, South Carolina

 Alice of Bishopsville, South Carolina is in a nursing home and enjoys coloring with pencils.  She is receiving a floral bookmark and Sea Dream seashell card.

Lola’s Smile Bunch 

Land & Sea Lighthouse for Bobbie of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania

Bobbie of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is 92 years old in a nursing home.  She is receiving a floral Bible Verse bookmark.

Lola’s Smile Bunch 

Land & Sea Encouragement Card for Barb of Brigham, Utah

 A Land & Sea Bible Verse card for Barb of Brigham, Utah who is In assistant living facility.  She is a Christian and is 87 years old.  She is receiving a Bible verse bookmark.

Lola’s Smile Bunch 

Under the Deep Blue Sea - Sea Dream Collection

Inside card:  

 May the shells on the beach remind you that treasures arrive every day in the form of simple things!  Thinking of you and wishing you peace , love, and God’s blessings.

North Beach Park Vilano - Isaiah 43:2. “Deep Waters”

 When you go
deep waters
I will be
With you.

Isaiah 43:2

Humpback Whale Card - Genesis “In the Beginning…”

The Sea Dream Collection has a Bible Verse Series with the theme of God’s creation of the sea, sea creatures and birds.  

Monday, November 7, 2022

Footprints on the Sands of Time


Crystal Michelle Fallin, Costa Rica

Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time.

Her Light Won’t Be Dimmed

Merritt Pecan Company

Crystal Michelle Fallin, October 2018

“Life is Short Art is Long” Hippocrates

Art Lives Forever


Crystal Michelle Fallin artwork for her grandma Mary, 
Columbus, Georgia October 2018

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Air of Mystery and Wildmess in her Bones

Crystal Michell Fallin

Grand Lake, Colorado, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

“Hope” is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson

Artist of Hope

Artist of Compassion

Artist of Love

 Crystal Michelle Fallin with her grandmother Mary
Columbus, Georgia
October 2018

To the prettiest grandma in the world

“Hope” is the thing with feathers

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.

Whitefish Pointe Station, Paradise for Susan of Columbia City, Indiana

 Susan of Columbia City, Indiana is 82 years old and is bedridden and loves animals and horses.  She is receiving a Sea Dream Lighthouse card and Bible Verse bookmark.

Lola’s Smile Bunch 

Proverbs 31:10 for Eva of Ashland, Virginia

 Eva of Ashland, Virginia is 84 years and needs smiles and encouragement.  She is receiving a Proverbs 31:10 Bible Verse card that she is more precious than jewels.

Lola’s Smile Bunch

Sea Compass and Starfish for Clara of Wyndmere, North Dakota

 Clara is 95 years old and lives alone on a farm.  She is receiving a Land and Sea Compass Card with a encouragement message and a bookmark.

Lola’s Smile Bunch

Blue Sea Turtle for Shirley of Herber Springs, Arkansas

 Shirley of Heber Springs, Arkansas is 83 years old and loves her dog and reading her Bible.  She is receiving a Sea Dream blue turtle card and a Bible Verse Bookmark,

Lola’s Smile Bunch

Encouragement for Anita of Tampa, Florida

 Anita of Tampa, Florida is 95 years old and is a Christian and homebound.  She is receiving a Sea Dream Encouragement card and a Bible verse bookmark.

Lola’s Smile Bunch