Monday, August 30, 2021

Waltz of the Snowflakes

Crystal Michelle Fallin danced as a Demi-Soloist in Waltz of the Snowflakes in the St. Augustine Nutcracker Ballet at Flagler College Auditorium, December 1997. 

"From winter's breath she came
Twirling and dancing in the chilled air;
Through the forest and the fields
The wind whispers her name,
Brilliant and translucent...Crystal
The maiden of heaven's white veil."
(Excerpt from The Snow Maiden)

Waltz of the Snowflakes 

The Choreography

The Waltz includes sixteen dancers working in concert to present a unified dance and music experience. The dancers work together weaving about to create a huge rotating ice crystal on the forest floor. They split into groups of four making smaller snow crystals, and fly across the stage in solo leaps. Twirling and swirling and twisting and turning as the snowflakes fall to the earth or as the solo dancers move around the stage. In the last third of the Waltz, the dancers work solo and flash across the forest floor in a repetitive barrage of leaps. The dancers enter from a back-stage corner and move to the opposite front corner. Each dancer following another as the previous exits stage right or left. They leap or perform jetés midway through the stage. The dancers leap is free and flowing much as the wind tosses stray snowflakes from the top of a fence post piled high with newly fallen snow.

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